As the World Turns

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Erectile Dysfunction gets Rush

The CBS News website reports: “[Rush] Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic[emphasis mine]. Customs officials found the Viagra in his luggage but his name was not on the prescription, said Paul Miller, a spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

“He joked about the search on his radio show Tuesday (27 June 2006), saying Customs officials didn't believe him when he said he got the pills at the Clinton Library and he was told they were blue M&Ms. He later added, chuckling: "I had a great time in the Dominican Republic. Wish I could tell you about it. [emphasis mine] "

According to Unconfirmed Sources (, “Rush Limbaugh Broadcast[ed] Live from Lock-up in Palm Beach County Florida.”

Obviously, people of the Left, whom Mr. Limbaugh skewers in his radio talk shows, cannot contain their glee., a liberal website, asks: “What was Rush doing in the Dominican Republic? Why was he returning from a country known for its thriving sex trade, with a bottle of Viagra that didn’t have his name on it? [emphasis mine]”

It quotes from a 2001 article: “the Dominican Republic is one of the biggest sex tourism destinations in the world, thanks in part to Internet sites that extol the country as a ‘single man's paradise.’[emphasis mine]”

“Rush Limbaugh, who once called himself "the most dangerous man in America," nowadays seems mostly a danger to himself,[emphasis mine]” says the Forbes magazine. “First there was the 2003 incident on the Walt Disney Co.'s…ESPN, where Limbaugh declared that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb enjoyed racial "social concern" from the ostensibly bleeding-heart National Football League.

“Then, the radio star was accused of alleged "doctor shopping," supposedly deceiving physicians to get overlapping controlled-substance prescriptions. Limbaugh, 55, denied the charges, but reportedly admitted a painkiller addiction. In a deal reached last month with prosecutors, the "doctor shopping" charge will be dismissed if Limbaugh doesn't get arrested for 18 months.”

According to The Detroit Free Press, “Radio know-it-all Rush Limbaugh's deal could be in trouble with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case[emphasis mine] after authorities found a bottle of the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. Why? The prescription was not in his name. Problem? Besides ED, you mean? That could be a second-degree misdemeanor. Under the deal reached last month with prosecutors, Limbaugh was not to be arrested for 18 months[emphasis mine].”

I feel sad about him; Mr. Limbaugh seems to get in trouble on things that he criticizes. According to CBS News, “Before his own problems became public, Limbaugh had decried drug use and abuse and mocked President Clinton for saying he had not inhaled when he tried marijuana. He often made the case that drug crimes deserve punishment.

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. ... And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up," Limbaugh said on his short-lived television show on Oct. 5, 1995.”

But Terrance ( does not feel bad about criticizing him. “These are not nice questions, which is why most people won’t ask them. But Rush is not a nice guy. And when a pundit whose party pokes its noses into people’s private affairs as a matter of policy is caught pocketing pills to pump up his penis, on his way back from a country plenteous with prostitutes…Well pardon me if I’m compelled to prod and ponder why this public personality required a prescription for his penis in that place, and where he put it while he was there [emphasis mine]”

So, with a propensity to be in trouble for the very things he criticizes, I am curious to know what will we know in the future about his tirade against gays, for example. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, who knows what Mr. Limbaugh is hiding. For sure, he isn’t coming out soon, and we will have to wait and see. This sure would make believers even out of the extreme left and communists, that there is a God.

One other fact is amusing to contemplate. While the Democrats (the Kennedy clan, President Clinton) are hypersexed, Republicans either don’t know their birds and bees (Rep. Barr) or end up selling Viagra (Sen. Dole). Mr. Limbaugh could have a future as a brand ambassador. Mr. Dole is already one for Viagra; Mr. Limbaugh could inquire about Cialis or Levitra.


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