As the World Turns

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

BEWARE: The Terrorists are Coming?

11 reasons why you should vote for Republicans this election

If Democrats win, the terrorists win. President Bush is correct. VP Cheney has illustrated how the terrorists are trying to influence the outcome of these mid-terms; they have made sure that October has the highest deaths of US soldiers ever. The terrorists do want the lily-livered Dems to win. I’m sure that if the Republicans keep their legislative majority, there will be investigations and hearings on which Democratic candidates the terrorists supported.

The Democrats will ‘cut-and-run’.
It is important we stay the course in Iraq, and be there until it is either converted to a model democracy in the Middle East or is divided into three parts: the Kurdish North, the Sunni Middle and the Shia South. Surely no one other than us Americans can ensure this. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Republicans have ensured safety of the Homeland.
Remember, this is not the Communist ‘Motherland’ or the Nazi ‘Fatherland’; it is the American ‘Homeland’. Republicans have a lock on containing catastrophes: there has been no terrorist attack since 9/11, or a devastating hurricane since Katrina. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Democrats have no respect for the Armed Forces.
This is exemplified by comments of the Swift Boat veteran, John Kerry. President Bush has correctly stated that words have consequences. Who should know better than him; his challenge to the Iraqis – “Bring it on” – intensified violence against US troops. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

The DOW’s slipping already.
Just on the possibility that the Democracts may control the House and the Senate, the DOW has started it’s downward plunge, going below 12,000. This was a number the President had worked so hard to achieve by giving ample tax-cuts to investors, reducing their capital-gains tax, promising to eliminate the ‘death-tax’, and keeping the minimum wage low. If this is a sign of things to come, the DOW may go back below 11,000 if the Democrats win. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Democrats like immigrants.
Especially the illegal kind. If they win, they would increase the quota of legal immigration, and will have a accelerated path to citizenship for illegals. The more ‘brown’ the country becomes, the more is the loss of the American way of life. And many immigrants could be terrorists. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Democrats will raise your taxes.
They could roll back the tax-cut scheduled to expire in 2010. They will hurt people with money first, who would not then be able to trickle down their wealth to poorer people. Everyone will eventually lose. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Democrats will increase the minimum wage.
This will hurt Business, and increase unemployment. Businessmen will have less free money to invest, which will bring the DOW down and to spend on their fringe benefits, which will slow the economy. In addition, they will be forced to hire more illegals, which will compound the immigration problem. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Immorality will be back.
The Republicans, with the help of the Christian Right, have ensured that Washington is a moral city. Mark Foley was immediately dismissed from the party once the public found out about his misdeeds. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Corruption will be back.
Republicans have little tolerance for people like Jack Abranoff and Tom DeLay. They are jailbirds now and the remaining Republicans are clean. In contrast, Democrats are the masters of corruption; none of their corrupt people are in jail. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.

Gays will be able to marry.
The Democrats will pass laws that will make gay marriage acceptable, and the activist judges will uphold them. Gays will then be able to marry, divorce, re-marry, divorce again, re-marry and have children. A child born of a gay union will be gay; soon we will have gays running the place, taking over the American lay of wife. If Democrats win, the terrorists win.


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